About Us
GOWAAN! We’re Bex and Chloe, and we love riding bikes! We currently spend most of our summers travelling the world racing the enduro on the World Cup circuit, but when we are not racing we simply love to just ride our bikes, be silly and learn new things.
At Gowaan, we aim to inspire others to pick up a bike and try new things and give back to the MTB community where we can with our Kids Club, Festival, Coaching sessions and Ride Outs. So Gowaaaaan, get involved!

Bex Baraona
I’m Bex, and I’ve been mad for bikes for the last 14 years or so. I got into racing straight away and got hooked on it and been living out a dream for the last few years – riding and racing all over the world !
I’m always buzzing to ride and see others push their skills 🙂 Setting Gowaan up was never something I set out to do, its something that evolved from just riding and hanging out with friends. At the moment I am really enjoying the process of stepping away from professional team life and building our own Gowaan Racing platform!

Chloe Taylor
I’m Chloe, I grew up in a biking mad family, weekends or evenings after school were spent at the BMX track. I raced BMX from 6 to 18, reaching World Cups, but then took a change in direction and started mountain biking. Chucked myself straight into the deep end and entered a EWS in 2018, and I’ve been hooked ever since. I love competing to be the best! I spent a lot of time on my grandparents farm as a kid, and it’s taught me to be a grafter, you’ve got to work hard for what you want. Passing our knowledge onto the next generation is something that excited me, I can’t wait for one of them to end up on our Gowaan racing team! I enjoy all the adventures that biking brings me, looking forward to the next ones...